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Founder | Actor

She was born in 1988, Ankara. She completed her primary, middle and high school in Ankara. In her high school years, she received training in Ankara Deneme Theatre, whose founder is Nurhan Karadağ. In the year she graduated from high school, she entered Ankara Art Theatre (Ankara Sanat Tiyatrosu) as a trainee. In 2006, she entered Department of Acting in Anadolu University School of Music and Drama. Her theatre practices began with Versus Theatre in 2014, founded by Metin Balay. She plays “Tessa” in Suzie Miller’s play “Prima Facie”, being the first product of Eksi On Altı Theatre she founded in July 2021.



Founder | Actor | Playwright

He was born in 1994, Istanbul. He has been a professional actor since childhood. After he graduated from Yeditepe University Faculty of Fine Arts from the Department of Theatre, he completed “Strasberg Method Acting and Teaching” in Mulholland Academy, Amsterdam. Being one of the founders and actors of Eksi On Altı Theatre, Alp, also works in Istanbul National Theatre.



General Coordinator | Music & Sound Designer

She was born in Istanbul, 1995. After she graduated from Lycée Francis Pierre Loti, she completed her bachelors in Galatasaray University and Sorbonne University from the departments of Computer Engineering and Faculty of Fine Arts. Her dissertation was “Producing Electronic Music by Using Physiological Signals”. She is one of the first members of “Algorave Istanbul” which produces music with coding language. She keeps working in electronic music.



Visual & Digital Designer

She was born in Istanbul, 1996. After her graduation from Lycée Francis Pierre Loti in Istanbul, she completed her bachelors in Université Lumière Lyon 2 in the Department of Cinema. She also completed her masters in cinema in UFF Niteroi, Brazil and in cinema documentary in UCINE Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has more than 10 documentaries as well as having worked in various festivals worldwide. She keeps on working in digital visual design, cinema and documentaries.



Digital Designer and Mapping Specialist

She was born in 1993, Azerbaijan. She studied in Visual Art Studies and completed her masters in Paris III Sorbonne Nouvelle University. Her study fields are contemporary art, Russian video art, Moscow conceptual art school and Iranian cinema. She continues to take part in several projects as a visual engineer. She works as the digital designer and mapping specialist in Eksi On Altı.



Grafic Design & Social Media

Derya Dilege was born in 14th of October, 1993. After studying plastic arts in a Fine Arts High School, he graduated from Bilgi University, Visual and Communication Design in 2016. As his final project, he made a photobook and an exhibition called “ Through Their Eyes”. It centered Syrian Refugees and Derya gave them à disposable camera. He wanted to show their world from their perspective. He mostly works on Urban street photography and street art. It is possible to see his works on Instagram (@deryadilege). Derya who has already designed the poster of the 2nd season of “Prima Facie / İlk bakışta” and he works as graphic designer and illustrator in Eksi On Altı Kolektif.

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